Filters are implemented as derived classes of filter, source_filter or sink_filter. For example:

class my_filter : public filter {
    input_type<2, rgb_color> image_input;
    input_type<2, depth_type> depth_input;
    output_type<2, rgb_color> output;
    explicit my_filter(flow::filter_node& nd) :
        depth_input(*this, 2, 1),
        output(*this) { }

    void setup() override;
    void pre_process(const flow::node_job& job) override;
    void process(const flow::node_job& job) override;


The constructor must take a non-const reference flow::filter_node& as first argument, and pass it to the constructor of the base class.

Inputs and outputs

This defines a filter my_filter which takes two inputs and one output. The inputs are created by instantiating objects of type filter::input_type<Dim, Elem>. The dimension and element type of the frames are statically defined using the template arguments Dim and Elem. The frame shapes are set at runtime, in the setup phase. Outputs are created the same way. Currently, each filter, must create exactly one output, except for the sink filters which have none.

The constructor of both the inputs and outputs needs to be passed a reference to the filter, i.e. *this. This step creates and registers the underlying node inputs/output. For inputs only, optionally the past and future time window can be passed as constructor arguments:

input_type(filter_node&, time_unit past_window = 0, time_unit future_window = 0)

In this example, my_filter::depth_input will receive not only the current frame, but also 2 previous frames and 1 future frame.

Creation of inputs and outputs is typically done at construction time, but can also be done at runtime, with the inputs and/or output stored in a container. However it must be done before the graph is setup.

The filter’s input and output object are meant to be publicly accessible. The graph is constructed using filt.input.connect(...) calls from outside.

Source stream properties

Source filters (derived from source_filter) must also define the source stream properties at construction. The source_filter constructor takes the arguments

source_filter(flow::filter_node& nd, bool seekable = false, time_unit stream_duration = -1)

seekable defined whether the source node supports non-sequential pulling. If it is false, it is guaranteed that its process functions will always be called in sequential order, with incrementing time index. This is for example appropriate if the source filter reads from a real-time input. If any source in the graph is not seekable, seek() cannot be called on the full graph, and it is always executed sequentially.

stream_duration sets the total number of frames from this source. The stream duration of the full graph will always be the minimal stream duration of its sources. It must be defined for seekable sources. E.g. for a file importer source, it would be the number of frames in the file.

or non-seekable source, it can be left undefined. In that case the source filter mark the end after having written the last frame, as will be elaborated below.

The source stream properties can also be changed after construction, but before setup, using

source_filter::define_stream_properties(bool seekable, time_unit stream_duration)


When the graph is setup with, the function setup() will be called on each filter in the graph. This always happens prior to any data flow through the node. The filter must define the frame shapes of its output in its implementation of setup():

void my_filter::setup() {

In this case, the output is set to the same frame shape as the image_input.

It is guaranteed that when setup() is called on a filter, it has already been called before on the filters connected to its inputs. input.frame_shape() is always equal to the frame shape which the node connected to this input has set for its output. That is, the frame shape is defined for the edge formed by the connected input and output. Thus the example code is valid, and the frame shape can be propagated through the graph from the sources to the sink.

setup() is always called before any frames are processed on the filter, and the filter can also implement any late initialization code in this function.

Processing frames

When the flow graph is running, frames are always processed one-by-one in each node. For each frame in each filter, the functions pre_process() and process() are called.

First pre_process() is called, and the filter can activate or deactivate inputs. Then process() is called, from where the filter can read inputs and must write one output frame.

Node job

A node_job object is passed to pre_process() and process() functions. It represents the current job of the node. In future versions, the functions may be called simultaneously on the same filter object, with different parallel jobs.

The time index of the frame being processed is accessed using job.time(). Input and output views are also accessed through the job object.


In the proprocessing stage, the node can activate or deactivate inputs. pre_process() does not need to be implemented by the filter, as a default implementation exists which does nothing.

Inputs can be activated or deactivated using input.set_activated(true/false). For example,

void my_filter::pre_process(node_job& job) {
	time_unit t = job.time();
    depth_input.set_activated( (t / 100) % 2 != 0 );

This activates and deactivates depth_input in intervals of 100 frames. The current activation status of an input can be queried using input.is_activated().

Inputs must be activated only from within pre_process().


Next the process() function is called. It is also called in case no inputs are activated. In it the node must always write one frame to its output. It can read frames from its activated inputs.

void my_filter::process(node_job& job) {
	auto& out = job.out(output);
    if(image_input.is_activated()) {
		auto& in =;
		out = in;
    } else {
		std::fill(out.begin(), out.end(), rgb_color::black);

This example copies the current frame from image_input the output if the input is activated. Otherwise it fills the background with black pixels.

Input frame views are accessed using The return value is a ndarray_view<2, rgb_color>. Using template magic this always has the dimension and element type that was defined for the input. The filter must not write into the input views. must not be called when image_input is deactivated.

The output frame view is accesseedd the same way using job.out(output), which returns a ndarray_view<2, rgb_color>. The filter must always a frame write into this view, even when no inputs are activated.

Time window

For inputs with time windows, the full view, with past and future frames, is accessed using job.in_full(depth_input). In this example the function returns a ndarray_timed_view<3, depth_type>. The coordinate is the relative time index. The frame at the current time is accessed from this ndarray_timed_view vw using vw.at_time(t) with t = job.time(). Alternately the index of this frame is std::ptrdiff_t i = vw.time_index(), the the current frame can be accessed like vw[i].

vw is an ordinary 3-dimensial ndarray, with added time-specific function for the first dimension. For example a slice through time and one image axis can be taken like vw.slice(320, 1). The returned ndarray_view<2, depth_type> represents the rows 320 of the different frames.

vw.duration() is depth_input.past_window_duration() + 1 + depth_input.future_window_duration(), except when near the first and last frame of the stream, where the time windows necessarily get truncated.

Source end

If the filter is a non-seekable source node, and its stream duration was not defined at construction, the system relies on the source filter to mark the last frame of the stream.

If the frame that was written by process() was the last in the stream, the source filter must call job.mark_end(). This marks the end of the stream, and the filter will not be called to process the next frame. It must always mark the end after having written a frame: If pre_process() and process() are called, this implies that the frame to at time job.time() exists. This in contrary to other I/O systems where the a end-of-file error condition instead occurs when trying to read or write data beyond the end.