The ndarray represents a multi-dimensional homogeneous array. Its items (“elements”) must be of an elem type, i.e. a type for which elem_traits is specialized. See the page on elem types for more on this. All data processed by the flow graph is of this type.

ndarray_view<Dim, Elem> is a view type which provides access to a Dim-dimensional array of elements of type Elem in an existing buffer. ndarray<Dim, Elem> is the equivalent container type, which allocates and own the buffer itself.


An ndarray_view<Dim, Elem> is a mapping between coordinates, indices and memory addresses. Coordinates are vectors ndptrdiff<Dim>. Indices are positive std::ptrdiff_t integers. Memory addresses are pointers Elem* of the actual elements in the memory buffer.

Coordinates map to memory addresses, but not the other way around. Indices map to coordinates in both ways. For this the functions coordinates_to_pointer(), index_to_coordinates(), coordinates_to_index() exist.

The ndarray_view<Dim, Elem> is defined using its shape, strides, and start. The shape ndsize<Dim> defines the length of each axis. For example on a two-dimensional ndarray_view<2, rgb_color>, it is the height and width of the image. The start is the pointer Elem* to the element at coordinates (0,0,...,0).


The strides define the multi-dimensional memory layout: strides[i] is the number of bytes that a pointer must advance when the i-th coordinate is incremented. The default layout is row-major: The last stride is sizeof(Elem), i.e. elements in the last dimension are sequential in memory. There can also be padding between these elements, then the last stride is sizeof(Elem) + padding. The preceding strides are stride[i] = shape[i+1] * stride[i+1]. That is, the elements at coordinates (k,shape[1]-1) and (k+1,0), are sequential in memory, with the same padding. The ndarray_view has default strides down to dimension i with padding padding if this remains true until and including stride[i]. It has fully default strides if it has default strides down to dimension 0.

Strides can also be negative. In that case increasing the coordinate decreases the memory addresses. They can also be set such that individual elements, or groups of elements, overlap. The user of the ndarray_view needs to make sure that the constraints of the Elem are respected. For instance, the strides and start must respect the alignment requirement alignof(Elem) of the element type.

Using the strides, coordinates are mapped to memory addresses. Memory addresses cannot be mapped back to coordinates. Depending on the strides setting, one memory address can correspond to none, or to multiple coordinates.


An ndarray_view is constructed by explicitly specifying the start, shape and strides:

ndarray_view<Dim, Elem>::ndarray_view(Elem* start, ndsize<Dim> shape, ndptrdiff<Dim> strides)
ndarray_view<Dim, Elem>::ndarray_view(const ndarray_view<Dim, Elem>&)

Similarly to references in C++, copy-constructing a ndarray_view does not copy its elements. However assigning and comparing ndarray_views does not change the ndarray_view, but instead assigns/compares its elements. This behavior renders the interface more practical in many cases.

To reassign the start, shape and strides, use the function reset():

void ndarray_view<Dim, Elem>::reset(Elem* start, ndsize shape, ndptrdiff strides) void ndarray_view<Dim, Elem>::reset(const ndarray_view<Dim, Elem>&)

To compare the start, shape and strides, use the function same():

bool same(const ndarray_view<Dim, Elem>&, const ndarray_view<Dim, Elem>&)

The copy-constructor allows ndarray_view<Dim, const Elem> to be constructed from ndarray_view<Dim, Elem>, but not the opposite.

Null view

A special null ndarray_view<Dim, Elem> is constructed with either

ndarray_view<Dim, Elem>::ndarray_view()
ndarray_view<Dim, Elem>::null()
void ndarray_view<Dim, Elem>::reset()

All null ndarray_view<Dim, Elem> instances compare as equal using same(). A non-null and a null ndarray_view<Dim, Elem> compare as non-equal. is_null(), or the explicit bool conversion operator test if the view is null. The null ndarray_view<Dim, Elem> is equivalent to a view with start nullptr. It is used to mark error conditions.

Element access

Elements are accessed by coordinates using at(), or by chaining the subscript operator[]. For example, the element at coordinates (1,3,0) can be accessed using, 3, 0))