mf::angle | Angle, represented in radiants |
 mf::bounding_box | Axis-aligned 3D cuboid bounding box |
 cv::DataType<::mf::rgb_color > | |
 cv::DataType<::mf::ycbcr_color > | |
 mf::depth_projection_parameters | Parameters of Z to depth projection |
 mf::elem_traits_base< Elem, Scalar, Components, Nullable > | Elem traits base class with the required members |
 mf::elem_traits_base< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Columns >, Scalar, Rows *Columns, false > | |
  mf::elem_traits< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Columns > > | Elem traits specialization for Eigen matrix type |
 mf::elem_traits_base< Elem > | |
  mf::elem_traits< Elem > | Default elem traits, using Elem as standard layout scalar type |
 mf::elem_traits_base< elem_tuple< Elems...> > | |
  mf::elem_traits< elem_tuple< Elems...> > | Elem traits specialization of elem_tuple |
 mf::elem_traits_base< masked_elem< Elem >, masked_elem< Elem >, 1, true > | |
  mf::elem_traits< masked_elem< Elem > > | Elem traits specialization for masked elem |
 mf::elem_traits_base< mono_color, std::uint8_t, 1, false > | |
  mf::elem_traits< mono_color > | |
 mf::elem_traits_base< point_xyz, Eigen_scalar, 3, true > | |
  mf::elem_traits< point_xyz > | |
 mf::elem_traits_base< rgb_color, std::uint8_t, 3, false > | |
  mf::elem_traits< rgb_color > | |
 mf::elem_traits_base< rgba_color, std::uint8_t, 4, true > | |
  mf::elem_traits< rgba_color > | |
 mf::elem_traits_base< std::array< T, N >, T, N > | |
  mf::elem_traits< std::array< T, N > > | Elem traits specialization for std::array<T, N> |
 mf::elem_traits_base< std::complex< T >, T, 2 > | |
  mf::elem_traits< std::complex< T > > | Elem traits specialization for std::complex<T> |
 mf::elem_traits_base< ycbcr_color, std::uint8_t, 3, false > | |
  mf::elem_traits< ycbcr_color > | |
 mf::elem_tuple< First_elem, Other_elems > | Heterogeneous tuple of items |
 mf::elem_tuple< First_elem > | |
 mf::elem_tuple< point_xyz, Eigen_vec3, Eigen_scalar, rgb_color > | |
  mf::point_full | Point cloud point with XYZ coordinates, normal vector, weight, and RGB color |
 mf::elem_tuple< point_xyz, rgb_color > | |
  mf::point_xyzrgb | Point cloud point with XYZ coordinates, and RGB color |
 mf::event | Synchronization primitive representing event that a thread can wait for |
  mf::sticky_event | Event which is repeatedly received after having been notified once |
 std::exception | STL class |
  std::logic_error | STL class |
   mf::invalid_flow_graph | |
  std::runtime_error | STL class |
   mf::ply_importer_error | |
   mf::sequencing_error | |
 mf::flow::filter | Filter which performs concrete processing, base class |
  mf::flow::color_converter_filter< Input_color, Output_color > | Color converter filter |
  mf::flow::sink_filter | Sink filter |
   mf::flow::exporter_filter< Exporter > | Exporter sink filter, writes frames to associated frame_exporter |
  mf::flow::source_filter | Source filter |
   mf::flow::importer_filter< Importer, typename > | Importer source filter, reads frames from associated frame_importer |
   mf::flow::importer_filter< Importer, std::enable_if_t< Importer::is_seekable > > | Seekable importer source filter, reads frames from associated seekable_frame_importer |
 mf::flow::filter_parameter< Value > | |
 mf::frame_exporter< Dim, Elem > | Frame exporter, abstract base class |
 mf::frame_exporter< 2, rgb_color > | |
  mf::video_exporter | Frame exporter which writes video file |
 mf::frame_format | Format information of type-erased frame of ndarray_view_generic |
 mf::frame_importer< Dim, Elem > | Frame importer, abstract base class |
  mf::seekable_frame_importer< Dim, Elem > | Seekable frame importer, abstract base class |
 mf::frame_importer< Dim, ycbcr_color > | |
  mf::seekable_frame_importer< 2, ycbcr_color > | |
   mf::yuv_importer | Seekable frame importer which reads YUV file |
 mf::flow::graph | Graph containing interconnected nodes through which media frames flow |
 mf::image< Pixel > | Two-dimensional image with given pixel type |
 mf::image< masked_elem< Pixel > > | |
  mf::masked_image< Pixel > | Two-dimensional masked image with given pixel type |
 mf::image_camera | Camera which handles mapping to image coordinates, base class |
  mf::depth_image_camera< Depth > | Depth camera which handles mapping to integer depth values, base class |
   mf::projection_image_camera< Depth > | Pin-hole camera with mapping onto image pixel coordinates |
 mf::projection_camera::image_parameters | |
 iterator | |
  mf::ndarray_iterator< Array > | Random access iterator which traverses an ndarray_view |
 mf::kernel_placement< Dim, Elem, Kernel_elem > | Placement of a kernel on an ndarray_view |
 mf::masked_elem< Elem, typename > | Nullable wrapper for elem type which adds mask |
 mf::masked_elem< Elem, std::enable_if_t< elem_traits< Elem >::is_nullable > > | Masked elem specialization where Elem is already nullable |
 mf::mono_color | Monochrome color, 8 bit |
 mf::ndarray< Dim, T, Allocator > | Multidimensional array container |
 mf::ndarray< 2, byte, Allocator > | |
  mf::ndarray_generic< Allocator > | Array container with type erased multidimensional frames |
 mf::ndarray< 2, byte, raw_ring_allocator > | |
  mf::ndarray_generic< raw_ring_allocator > | |
   mf::ring | Ring buffer |
    mf::ndarray_ring< Frame_dim, Elem > | Ring wrapper with concrete frame type |
    mf::timed_ring | Ring buffer which adds absolute time index to frames |
     mf::ndarray_timed_ring< Frame_dim, Elem > | Timed ring wrapper with concrete frame type |
 mf::ndarray_generic_properties | Properties for construction of ndarray_generic and derived container objects |
 mf::detail::ndarray_ring_base< Frame_dim, Elem > | |
  mf::ndarray_ring< Frame_dim, Elem > | Ring wrapper with concrete frame type |
  mf::ndarray_shared_ring< Frame_dim, Elem > | Shared ring wrapper with concrete frame type |
  mf::ndarray_timed_ring< Frame_dim, Elem > | Timed ring wrapper with concrete frame type |
 mf::ndarray_view< Dim, T > | Mapping between coordinates, indices, and addresses of multi-dimensional data |
  mf::ndarray_timed_view< Dim, T > | Ndarray view with absolute time indices associated to first dimension |
 mf::ndarray_view< 1, Point > | |
 mf::ndarray_view< 2, char_type > | |
 mf::ndarray_view< 2, pixel_type > | |
 mf::ndarray_view< 2, Point > | |
 mf::ndarray_view< Dim+1, byte > | |
  mf::ndarray_view_generic< Dim > | Generic ndarray_view where lower dimension(s) are type-erased |
 mf::ndarray_view< Dim, byte > | |
  mf::ndarray_timed_view< Dim+1, byte > | |
   mf::ndarray_timed_view_generic< Dim > | Generic ndarray_timed_view where lower dimension(s) are type-erased |
 mf::ndarray_view< Dim, Elem > | |
 mf::ndarray_view< Dim, Kernel_elem > | |
 mf::ndcoord< Dim, T > | Vector of n-dimensional coordinates |
 mf::ndcoord< 2 > | |
 mf::ndcoord< Dim > | |
 mf::ndcoord< Dim, time_unit > | |
 mf::ndspan< Dim, T > | Cuboid n-dimensional span delimited by two ndcoord vectors |
 mf::ndspan< 1, time_unit > | |
  mf::time_span | One-dimensional time span |
 mf::flow::node | Node in flow graph, base class |
  mf::flow::filter_node | Node which delegates concrete frame processing to associated filter object |
   mf::flow::async_node | Asynchronous node base class |
   mf::flow::sink_node | Sink node base class |
   mf::flow::sync_node | Synchronous node base class |
 mf::flow::node_input | Input port of node in flow graph |
 mf::flow::node_job | Work unit of flow graph node |
 mf::flow::node_output | Output port of node in flow graph |
  mf::flow::async_node_output | |
  mf::flow::sync_node_output | |
 mf::plane | Oriented plane in 3D space |
 mf::ply_exporter | Exports point cloud into PLY file |
 mf::ply_importer | Imports point cloud from PLY file |
 mf::point_cloud< Point > | |
  mf::range_point_cloud< Point > | |
   mf::camera_range_point_cloud< Point, Image_camera > | |
 mf::point_xyz | Point cloud point with only XYZ coordinates |
 mf::pose | Position and orientation in space |
 mf::raw_allocator | Raw allocator, allocates given number of bytes |
 mf::raw_null_allocator | Null allocator, allocates virtual memory which is not used |
 mf::raw_ring_allocator | Ring allocator, allocates ring buffer memory |
 mf::rgb_color | RGB color, 8 bit |
 mf::rgba_color | RGBA color, 8 bit |
 mf::shared_ring | Timed ring buffer with changed semantics, for dual-thread use |
  mf::ndarray_shared_ring< Frame_dim, Elem > | Shared ring wrapper with concrete frame type |
 mf::space_object | Object that has a pose in 3D space relative to a coordinate system, base class |
  mf::camera | Camera which defines mapping from 3D spatial coordinates to 2D image coordinates |
   mf::depth_camera | Camera which maps 3D coordinates of point to depth value in addition to the 2D image coordinates |
    mf::projection_camera | Pin-hole camera with projection to a planar image space |
     mf::projection_image_camera< Depth > | Pin-hole camera with mapping onto image pixel coordinates |
 mf::spherical_coordinates | Spherical coordinates |
 mf::stopwatch | Stop watch which measures total time passed between start() and stop() calls |
 mf::view_frustum | View frustum of a perspective camera |
  mf::projection_view_frustum | View frustum of a perspective camera, without pose |
 mf::vsrs_camera_array | Reader of camera array format used by VSRS |
 mf::ycbcr_color | YCbCr color, 8 bit |